Soup of the Day: a Week’s Worth of Keto Soup Recipes

We’re all desperately looking for full bellies that don’t involve a messy kitchen. It might seem like a challenging feat, but do you want to know what our answer to this common problem is? SOUP.

You heard us: Soup. Every. Single. Day. Unsurprisingly, this year was a BIG year for comfort foods, specifically keto stews and soups.

The answer to the ever-present question in our minds - and surely yours - can be assuaged by a simple soup recipe, and here we have plenty for you. Below you’ll find 7 of our favorite soup of the day recipes, from our favorite keto creamy taco soup to the delightfully decadent (yet keto) broccoli cheddar soup, we’re sure that these soups will provide you with the ease and satisfaction that all good soup recipes supply. 

Without further ado, here’s a week’s worth of fantastic (paleo + keto!) soup recipes, so you never have to google “soup of the day” again:

Keto Creamy Taco Soup

Keto Creamy Taco Soup

This particular keto soup recipe really gives off some seriously strong comfort food vibes. And the kicker is, there’s no added meat. 

We know what you’re thinking: is it really taco soup, then?? The answer is quite simple. Yes, it is. It’s loaded with your favorite taco flavoring, without being loaded with calories. Marvelous indeed. It’s also keto-friendly and low-carb for those among us who crave good taste, without gorging on the “bad” stuff. This recipe is quick and easy – but tastes anything but

You can make one single serving as a Meatless Monday or Taco Tuesday treat for yourself, or double (or triple?) the recipe if you’re making a keto dinner for two. You’ll score some major brownie points if you display this on your dinner table, so be prepared to share this recipe. 

Paleo Avocado Chipotle Soup

Keto Creamy Taco Soup

With our already-prepared bone broth soup cups, this recipe is straightforward and literally couldn’t be easier. Coming in at under 15 minutes- from start to finish- you’ll be surprised at how this tasty soup comes together so rapidly. 

If you like the combination of ripe avocados and crunchy bacon, then you will loooooveeee this one. This soup of the day is (easily!) served

Keto Cheddar Broccoli Soup

Cheddar Broccoli soup

We’re fairly certain that broccoli cheddar soup was invented solely for those among us who have an absolute disdain for vegetables. And honestly- even if you love your veggies- it’s soooooo much easier to get your daily recommended serving when they’re paired with a rich, cheesy, bone broth.

This soup is creamy, delicious, and even low carb! Our better-than-ever keto broccoli cheddar soup is lighter, brighter, and less clumpy than the kind you’d find in the drive-thru line on your way home. 

Don’t let the serving size of this one fool you - it’s very filling. Eat it solo, or whip up a few keto ham and cheese roll-ups to make your meal a little heartier. 

Keto Cauliflower Soup

Keto Cauliflower Soup

One of the (many) things that we love about cauliflower is the fact that it can adopt so many flavors. When added to our coconut milk thai bone broth soup cup, it blends in perfectly- providing a wildly unexpected treat. 

This three-ingredient soup doesn’t require any special tricks or complicated ingredients, but it certainly tastes like it does. When dinner time rolls around, and you’re racking your brain for something to make (instead of ordering from Doordash again)… this is it! 

Another fun soup recipe to add to your “soup of the day” list, coming right up!

Creamy Tomato Shrimp Soup

Creamy Tomato Shrimp Soup

If you’ve never used shrimp in a soup recipe before, let this be your first introduction into the wonderful world of seafood soups- incidentally, one of our favorite ways to make a simple recipe taste absurdly deluxe.

If you have a handful of detailed shrimp, a creamy tomato bone broth soup cup and a few always-on-hand vegetables, you’re well on your way to making this delectable soup of the day, any day. 

Spicy Keto Thai Chicken Soup

If you like traditional Thai food, you have got to try this soup.

Made with a few simple ingredients and requiring only a few minutes of cook time, you’d be crazy not to add this to your list of favorites. It has a little spicy kick from the curry, which you can adjust the amount if you’d like.

This keto soup is the perfect thing to have on hand for cold and flu season. It’s fast and easy to make when you don’t have energy for anything more complex. Nevertheless, the tangy, faintly-spicy, rich and creamy broth tastes complex and energizing.

Chicken Vegetable Soup with Chickpea Noodles

With this soup recipe, crafted by Jeanette of @sweatysweetpotato, you can be eating within 10 minutes.  Made with chickpea noodles and our keto and paleo friendly chicken vegetable bone broth soup this recipe can take on many different flavors depending on what you add to it. A mood soup, if you will.  

Do yourself a favor and add this soup recipe into your rotation.

Did you make any of these keto and paleo soups this week? Better yet, did you make a week’s worth of soup recipes? We’d love to hear how it went! 

Let us know in the comment section below, or head over to Instagram and tag us in your uploaded creations, so we can see how you made your own soup of the day.